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My first year was an amazing wild ride! I am great friends with my roommates, I loved my music classes, and even found an interest in Norwegian culture.
Student Name, Class Year
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My first year was an amazing wild ride! I am great friends with my roommates, I loved my music classes, and even found an interest in Norwegian culture.
Student Name, Class Year
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Be yourself.
Find your fit.

The journey you take here won't look like anyone else's. But you won't do it alone.
your journey
We invite our 2020 graduates back to campus to reunite with friends and be recharged by the Luther spirit!
Renata Martinez went undefeated in the American Rivers Conference to win the individual title.
Join our symphonic ensemble on November 9 as they play Beethoven's Egmont.
Find Common Purpose
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Find Common Purpose
Lorem ipsum dolor consectetur adipiscing elit eiusmod temporipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Feeding the Community
Student volunteers package food from Luther dining services to be delivered to the Decorah Community Food Pantry.

Connect With This Place We Call Home.



At Luther, learning happens everywhere. Located in Decorah, we're home to analytical thinkers, active learners and adventurous do-ers.
Wish you were here? So do we! Visit Luther College